About Us

Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Department is the nodal agency in the State for providing drinking water and sanitation facilities in rural areas under RWS sector. The drinking water facilities are being provided by various types of schemes such as bore wells with hand pumps, PWS Schemes, CPWS Schemes etc., Seperate RWS&S Department was formed vide G.O.MS.NO.508 GAD(SPL.A) DEPARTMENT Dt. 18-07-2007 . Before formation of new department this department, it was PR&RWS department looking after Rural Roads and Rural Water Supply.


Seperate RWS&S Department was formed vide G.O.MS.NO.508 GAD(SPL.A) DEPARTMENT Dt. 18-07-2007 . Before formation of new department this department, it was PR&RWS department looking after Rural Roads and Rural Water Supply.